How to care of terrace tiles & Balcony tiles in winter?

Even the most resistant materials require proper care, especially if they are installed outside the house. If we want to enjoy a beautiful-looking balcony or terrace, it is worth taking care of it regularly, especially in winter. Even such durable materials as frost-resistant. Fortunately, taking care of the tiles does not require a lot of time and money. By applying a few rules, they will look like new for many years.

Why is it worth taking care of tiles on the balcony and terrace, especially in winter?

Balconies and terraces at our houses and apartments are much more often used during the warm months. However, some people also use them when there are even sub-zero temperatures outside. This may result from individual preferences, and sometimes from the fact that the terrace is part of the communication route between the house and the garden or other buildings, such as a detached garage. Regardless of whether we use the balcony or terrace in winter, or on the contrary, we do not use these spaces at all, we should not forget about proper care for the tiles that are laid there. Why is it worth taking care of tiles on the balcony and terrace in winter? The short answer is: because it pays off. Taking care of a terrace or balcony in winter will help us avoid costly repairs or renovations of its surface. Serious problems could arise if we ignored possible damage to the surface of the tiles in the form of cavities and cracks. Although the most commonly used stoneware is a material that is very resistant to mechanical damage, we cannot rule out the possibility of cracking the cladding. Therefore, before winter, be sure to check the condition of the tiles on the terrace and, if necessary, replace the damaged ones. When buying tiles, it is worth having at least a few pieces in stock for such an eventuality. Particular attention should also be paid to the quality of joints, i.e. joints between individual tiles. Any damage to tiles or grout are places where water will surely get in. While in the summer it will not cause any damage, in the winter, when it freezes and thaws many times, as a result of increasing its volume, it will most likely damage the surface of the terrace or balcony. It is worth taking care of the tiles on the balcony and terrace for one more important reason. This is a matter of safety – ours and our loved ones.

What should be the tiles on the balcony and terrace?

One of the best materials for finishing external surfaces are frost-resistant terrace tiles. It is the resistance of the tiles to temperatures below 0°C that makes them not afraid of winter. But what exactly makes a given tile frost-resistant? All thanks to the very low water absorption of the material from which the tiles are made. Most often it is stoneware that practically does not absorb water. This is very important because water freezes and increases its volume, which could lead to the bursting of the material into which the pores and crevices got. That is why it is so important to replace cracked tiles.

The use of the terrace and balcony must be safe also in winter. Therefore, frost-resistant terrace and balcony tiles must also have an appropriate texture that will ensure slip resistance. Thanks to this, a layer of frost will not turn them into an ice rink.

How to take care of tiles on the balcony and terrace?

If the tiles on our balcony or terrace are gres tiles with a matte or natural surface finish, we do not have to perform a time-consuming and repetitive impregnation process. This is because this type of tile finish does not have micropores that facilitate the penetration of dirt that leaves stains. Such microscopic pores have gres tiles subjected to a polishing process. This type of tiles should be protected with impregnation every few years. However, it should be mentioned that high-gloss tiles may not be the best choice for a terrace or balcony due to their lack of anti-slip properties. Taking care of the tiles on the balcony and terrace during the winter partly consists of doing the same things as in the rest of the year. First of all, you should take care of the cleanliness of the surface of our terraces and balconies. The basis is regular sweeping – of course, when there is no snow. It is also worth washing the terrace and balcony thoroughly before winter with dedicated chemicals. It is best to use the so-called rice brush for this. Her bristles will reach every corner of the terrace. This is particularly important for cladding with a clear structure. For example wood look glazed porcelain tile

The obvious thing we do in winter is snow removal. The terrace and balcony should also be regularly cleared of snow. This prevents the accumulation of water and ice. Remember to use delicate tools for snow removal, such as shovels with a rubber edge. Thanks to this, we will not damage the surface.

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